As the threat of climate change and global warming looms, countries across the world are investing more and more in renewable energy sources. Many nations in Africa are also starting to phase out non-renewable fossil fuels from their energy mix.
In fact, Africa as a whole is on the verge of becoming a superpower in renewable energy! It’s estimated that by 2040, renewable energy will make up around half of the sub-Saharan African nation’s power generation growth. So why is this? And is there any truth to Africa becoming a giant in renewable energy?
Renewable energy in Africa
Africa has suffered the results of climate change greatly, perhaps more than any other continent. Many anti-climate policies that have been pushed through as legislation have continued to Africa’s many droughts, rising temperatures and storms. All of which have killed people and destroyed towns and livelihoods.
As Africa looks to drive economic growth and infrastructure, renewable energy seems key. The continent is a popular location for the development and application of renewable energy technology, and some of the continent’s land-locked countries have some of the best conditions worldwide to produce solar energy projects.
Africa can become a renewable energy superpower
Many countries in Africa already have small-scale solar, wind and geothermal energy projects in operation, providing power to urban and rural populations. Not only does Africa have some of the best conditions, but it’s incredibly useful for energy production in remote locations. These rural populations previously had to deal with the excessive cost of transporting electricity from power plants. With renewable energy, Africa is starting to alleviate many of the problems that face its people every day.
If Africa is to truly become a superpower of renewable energy, they can do this by investing more into cleaner technologies to catch up with their global neighbours. Despite being victims of a global climate crisis they didn’t cause, African leaders know that fossil fuels are not the answer.
Governments themselves are becoming climate leaders! Many actually set themselves bigger targets under the Paris climate agreement, than the richer polluting countries did. There’s no denying that with the right investment, Africa can turn itself into a renewable energy superpower!
But is it too good to be true?
This remains to be seen. Recent research found that fossil fuels look set to remain as one of the main sources of electricity across Africa throughout the next decade. The research also believes that less than 10% of the new power generated will come from wind or solar sources. Unless African governments stick to their renewable energy targets, Africa could risk being locked into high carbon energy for decades.
Luckily, the lack of grid access across the continent means that many nations are starting to invest more and more in renewable energy infrastructure.
Bourne Recruitment are experts in hiring for renewable energy jobs in Africa
Bourne Recruitment are passionate about making a real difference to the lives of people working in renewable energy, a sector where growth is essential and critical to both Africa’s and the world’s future. Our team has worked closely with UK and African-based organisations for over 20 years to find and place hundreds of candidates in executive and board-level positions across the continent.
We can help your company become more visible and connect you to potential candidates, so you can form a beneficial working relationship. If you’re interested in hiring us to conduct your executive job search within the African energy sector, get in touch today by calling:
+44(0) 161 262 1069
or use the form on our website. Please contact us if you have any further queries about our recruitment services.